

Designing Future Solutions is a new company that has a goal of designing simple solutions that are environmentally friendly.  Our first device is the Dwadder made from hdpe plastic. The Dwadder is the first ever Dryer Device that does dry your sheets and blankets faster!  The Dwadder keeps your sheets and blankets from wadding up in the dryer. This will save you Time and Money when drying. Dwadder can cut your drying time up to 30mins or more. Two sheets or blankets can be strapped to the Dwadder at a time to keep from wadding up in the dryer.

Our second designed solution is the Dballs. Dballs are great for naturally softening your clothes without using a chemical enhance dryer sheet.  Dballs have a few great features! They are able to be opened to allow a sponge to be placed inside and add fragrance to the sponge.  Also by placing a ball of aluminum inside all of your static cling will be eliminated!

We are convinced that our devices will work for you and will stand behind our products.  As most may know all dryer balls do wear out and have to be replaced. We have designed our devices to allow for replacement parts. This keeps you from having to replace an entire dryer ball which can be costly.